We can no longer communicate.
Those who boast of being more powerful than we have removed the phone so we can no longer speak. They have banned mail so we can no longer write. They have cancelled visiting so we can no longer see each other. They have rendered us incommunicado. But you and I create our own language, our own timetable. We travel without moving. We bend time to our will and conquer distance. We have the gift of remembrance. If I am held incommunicado, You keep me alive by remembering When I say "I love you!"
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For Them
For them, the ancestors who lay in unmarked graves. Who are part of oceans. Who braved the storms. Who stayed the course. Whose air we breathe. Who consciousness resides in us. Who created cosmologies symbolising life and light. Who shaped destiny so we can walk upright in spirit and soul. Who were initiated by water and fire. Who believed, one day that we would be free, standing as living oracles. Standing as living testaments of their struggles, transmitting their legacies, evoking their names. Because one day we will be ancestors, a part of oceans yearning to be free The inner light
There is a Latent but tangible inner light in everyone but our inner light can be submerged and stifled, making it hard to grow, difficult to shine and not easy to express yourself, if we don’t properly nurture it. When the inner light is supressed it is like being submerged inside a hole and the only way to free yourself is to chisel away at what’s holding you down. What usually holds us down is the identification with our ego, our refusal to let go and our unwillingness to do the hard and messy work by looking at our own short comings, imperfections and demons and then reconciling ourselves with them. I believe, it was the German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche who said “Be careful of casting out your demons, lest you cast out the best part of yourself”. We have to learn without shame, judgement or fear to accept and embrace the total package of who we are. Denial of that acknowledgment is a rejection of the self. Our inner light is our counsel; it can be compared to a rudder that helps us to navigate the murky waters of life. Imagine if you were blindfolded and had to negotiate your way through a labyrinth of tunnels. Would you not feel lost, feel a little confused and maybe get frustrated? What about going through life blinded to your inner light and unaware of how to resolve internal conflicts that arise in your consciousness because you are not connected to yourself? The loss of our inner light is the loss of our compass. I can attest to this based on my own experiences. I grew up with people who were talented and had real potential but a disconnect from their inner light, me included, prevented our potential from being realised. Instead we took a path that took us further away from our inner light and therefore ended up on the wrong road. The inner light is our consciousness and an indwelling spirit. It points towards true reality and it is the life force that enables us to will into existence what we invoke and visualise . When we succeed in tapping into our inner light we awaken a natural part of our spiritual identity. We become our true essence. We become healers by healing the wounds in ourselves by healing the wounds in the universe and in the process we help guide humanity to their inner light. The inner light |
Adisa Kamara
Poetry, writing & Lessons in Life from San Quentin death row Archives
July 2019
July 2019